Nadiad Nagarpalika has published a notification for the recruitment of various post. Those candidates who are interested in the recruitment of various details. You can find other details like post name, age limit, educational qualification, experience, selection process, syllabus, application fee and how to apply are given below. Keep checking regularly to get the latest updates.

Posts Name: Clerk, Deputy Accountant & Fire Staff
Educational Qualification:
- Read their official notification for educational qualification.
Selection Process :
- Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply Online:
- The application form must be filled online accurately, name, surname, date of birth, gender (category) or any other matter will not be amended later. Of which special note.
Last Date: 26-08-2021
For detailed information, Application form, Fee, Education Qualifications and other terms and conditions kindly visit official website
Bhedi Indu ben bhuru bhai