Whatsapp DigiLocker : Do you also wish that you can get some of your important documents anywhere in just 1 minute, then our article is only for you, in which we will tell you in detail about Whatsapp DigiLocker, for which you have been waiting till the end. Must see. Must read this article.

DigiLocker documents like PAN Card, Driving License, RC Book can now be easily accessed through MyGov Helpdesk on WhatsApp. MyGov announced this on Monday. MyGov said in a statement, “Citizens will now be able to create and authenticate their DigiLocker account on WhatsApp and access PAN Card, Driving License, CBSE Class 10 Pass Certificate, Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC), Insurance Policy – Two Wheeler. And you will be able to download documents like 12th mark sheet and insurance policy documents (life and non-life available on DigiLocker).”
Let us tell you, now you don’t have to worry about carrying any of your documents with you because Whatsapp Digilocker feature has been released, with the help of which you can store all your documents in just few seconds. Download and enjoy it.
How to download your documents through Whatsapp Digilocker?
Now you all can easily download any of your important documents with the help of your WhatsApp in just 1 minute, the complete process is as follows.
Step 1: To avail Whatsapp DigiLocker service, first of all you have to save this mobile number 9013151515 .
hen you have to go to WhatsApp and send Hi to that number now,
Step 2: After that you will see two options Cowin Services and Digilocker Services. Since we are going to download the document, click on DigiLocker Services here.
Step 3: You will then be asked if you have a DigiLocker account? If you already have a DigiLocker account, tap on Yes.
Step 4: After this you will be asked for 12 digit Aadhaar number. As soon as you enter the Aadhaar number, an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number. Enter that too.
Step 5: Now an option will appear in front of you which documents will be linked with your Aadhaar, you have to write the item you want to download in the list.
Now you can easily download and print your documents and enjoy them.
Finally, this way you all can easily access all types of documents within seconds with the help of your WhatsApp.